Aug 23, 2021
Are you looking to sell your used boat and want to know tips on how to receive the highest value for your vessel? Similar to placing a home on the market you need to make sure it is in its best-looking form to present to potential buyers. We have compiled a list of helpful tips to ensure you properly prepare your used boat for sale.

The whole intention of staging the boat is to make it appear as if the boat has never been taken out on the water and been used for however long. Make sure to remove everything from the boat and we mean everything. Only keep items aboard that you intend on including in the sale of your vessel, such as life jackets.
Once you have removed all excess items from the boat you can take your time cleaning out the inside. If you would prefer it to be professionally cleaned then you could look into hiring a cleaning company. Otherwise, it just needs to appear presentable. A well-taken care boat is easily detected by the condition of its hull, therefore invest in cleaning the exterior of your vessel as well. Waxing and polishing the exterior will give it that brand-new look and attract more buyers; nothing turns potential buyers off more than having a “coral reef” hull.

Whether there is a tear in the upholstery on the seats or a broken zipper, these are both minor cosmetic repairs you should fix. This goes hand in hand with a clean boat, buyers want to see that you maintained good condition of its interior. If you own a trailer that accompanies the boat be sure that the trailer is usable and ready to go. These repairs should not break the bank!
Make sure the engine is working properly and all parts are running smoothly. Take your boat to a marine technician or hire a surveyor to examine your engines. Fix any mechanical problems that might impact the sale or cause the boat to not pass a sea trial. Any major fixes that you are not willing to pay for must be disclosed to the buyer beforehand. Having all your service records in order chronologically to give to the seller will help with exchanging trust during the sale. This might be the most important tip to prepare your boat for sale because who wants to buy a boat that does not run.

Selling your boat on your own can be tedious and time-consuming. Consider putting your boat up for sale with a broker where they are sure to sell your boat fast and at the highest value. They will have access to more channels for marketing to blast advertisements for your vessel in turn reaching more buyers. Brokers take away all the stress of selling off your shoulders and you are able to budget your time elsewhere. Make sure you check out what Off the Hook Yachts has to offer here.
If you are not interested in waiting to sell your boat and need the cash now, then we recommend filling out the form below to get the boat wholesale process started, so we can give you an offer and fast cash! We have been the trusted industry leader in wholesaling boats since 2012, and we plan on keeping this strong reputation for many years to come.