New Years Resolutions for Boaters

Good news- 2020 is almost over! With a new year approaching, boaters are given the opportunity to improve ourselves and make more plans to do what we truly enjoy by making a New Year’s resolution. If you are looking to make a resolution in regard to you and your boat, you are in the right place! Here is a list of New Year’s resolutions for the boating community.

Do A Complete Safety Check of Your Boat

As always, before you hit the water each season and dewinterize your boat, it is crucial that you make sure you have everything you need on your vessel in regard to the safety of you and your passengers. Aside from checking your batteries, changing your engine oil, addressing your cooling system, checking your gas tank, and checking your belt and safety and technology gear, there are a few other things you can do in 2021 to go the extra mile.

For example, if your life jackets seem rather worn but you think you can get another year out of them, go ahead and replace them! Each year life jackets get safer and safer, and your safety is not something to play around with when out on the water. You can also create a new-pre departure checklist (this can be mental or hand-written) that you can go through each time before hitting the water to ensure the safest boating experience for you and your passengers.

New Years Resolutions for Boaters

(Photo: TheLog)

Invest in New Fishing Technology

I think we can all agree that 2020 has been a pretty rough year for everybody. The least you can do is gift yourself a new fish finder so that your time on the water is more enjoyable and efficient! Nowadays, the marine electronics industry has so many different gadgets and gizmos that there is sure to be one that fits your needs and your budget for the upcoming year.


Take a Boating Class

Veteran boaters are often reluctant to take a boating class, but these classes are truly beneficial to everyone on the water. There is always something to learn about your boat and how to make it safer! Taking boating classes is also a great opportunity to meet other boat enthusiasts in your area before the season begins.

New Years Resolutions for Boaters

(Photo: irdriver Center)

Teach Your Kids How to Boat

If your kids are of appropriate age, 2021 can be the year that you finally get them behind the helm and begin to show them the boating basics! We suggest making a plan for you and your child to hit the water once a month (or once every other month) so they can understand the feel of your boat and can share the love of the open water with you. It is a great way to bond and will be something that they will remember for years to come if they have their own boat someday. After all, we often buy boats to make memories with our closest friends and family members.

New Years Resolutions for Boaters

(Photo: Discover Boating)

Hit the Water More

Every year we notice people say they plan to hit the water more but sometimes can not find the time. It is scientifically proven that time on the water can help clear your head, reduce stress, and increase your serotonin levels. To be honest, time on the water is one of the only things that helped us get through this crazy year! Try to make it a point at the beginning of the year that you want to try and hit the water at least once a week (or whatever will fit your schedule). Once you get on the water more, you will realize that 2021 has much more potential to be a better year than 2020!

(Photo: OfftheHookYachts)


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