Inexpensive Ways to Redecorate Your Boat’s Interior

Whether you’ve bought a boat with an outdated interior or you’re looking for a way to re-vamp your boat’s current interior, there are plenty of ways to give it the update you’re wanting.  It may seem like redecorating your boat’s cabin will drain your funds, but we’ve found some great, inexpensive ways to make it happen!

Re-think Your Light Sources

Try installing rope lights or hanging bulbs to give your cabin some extra lighting and character.  Rope lights can be bought in almost any color imaginable. Keep it simple with warm white lights or add a fun atmosphere with blue or purple lights.  They typically come in bulk, so you can add them anywhere around your boat as needed.  Adding a hanging bulb over a sink or table will give your interior a rustic and unique look, and for usually just around $15, they won’t break the bank!

Throw Pillows

Adding some funky or colorful throw pillows to your boat could be the perfect change to a boring and outdated space.  Contrasting navy blue and coral pillows against white upholstery can liven up a space and make it fresh. is a great site to start looking on or you can check out for nautical pillows you can even personalize. 

Boat-friendly rugs

If your family and friends seem to drip water, track dirt, or your floor just seems bare… a cheap boat-friendly rug at the entrance could fix these problems!  You don’t necessarily need to buy a rug made specifically for boats for it to work for you.  As long as you can find one that is non-slip, washable, easily hides stains, and fits your floor, it will work perfectly in your boat!

Wall Décor

Sometimes all you need is some decorations on the walls of your boat to make it feel fresh and homey.  Family photos in an inexpensive frame can make your boat feel much more “your own” and are easy to print.  If you need a little extra hanging storage on your boat, try using an old cleat from your boat mounted on the wall!  Especially in bathrooms or kitchen areas, these can be a unique and handy lifesaver when it comes to floor space.  You can mount pictures or cleats on your walls with command strips, which won’t damage your walls when you decide to change the pictures later!


Privacy is something that is hard to come by on a boat…luckily, we have an easy and stylish solution!  Installing curtains (which you could even make from your own fabric) can divide up space as you wish and give your cabin some extra color.  Matching the curtains to throw pillows or rugs, etc can tie your interior all together while also giving you the privacy you need.

Bathroom Makeover

The bathroom on your boat is one area that is often overlooked in the redecorating process.  It is, however, a space that is used by just about everyone and it is refreshing to have it looking nice and cared for.  Installing a nice, dark wood mirror above the sink or re-doing your shower with beautiful and easy self-adhesive tile mats will make your cabin bathroom aesthetically pleasing and fresh without you having to replace anything at all! Have any of your own ideas for decorating your boat’s interior? Leave a comment!

Interested in more tips on how to upgrade your boat, explore the blog “Five Easy Ways to Upgrade Your Boat!

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