Five Easy Ways to Upgrade Your Boat

Whether you are cruising down the Intracoastal or enjoying a drink at the dock, nothing beats having some “extras” built into your boat. If you are looking for some extra help docking, want to light up the night, or are looking to impress the neighbors…one of these ideas is sure to be on your list! Here are five easy ways to upgrade your boat.

1. LED Underwater Lighting 

The effect these lights create is pretty self-explanatory. Adding underwater LEDs creates a head-turning glow and they are available in a multitude of colors. As an added bonus, they have even been known to attract fish!

2. LED Interior Lighting

Similar to the underwater lights, these “strips” add a nice touch to a late-night cruise or an evening at the dock. For the price, these pack a punch and will be sure to have friends wanting to hang out late on the water.

3. Auto Pilot

Whether fishing by yourself or on a long trip, autopilot is a favorite feature among fishermen. It is pretty much the equivalent of hiring an extra person to help out by keeping the boat on course. While some autopilots are quite pricey, new models coming out target smaller boats and run right around $1000.

4. Bow Thrusters

For those with large boats, or simply like the extra help when docking, adding bow thrusters to your vessel can ease the mind of even the best docking captain. A strong wind or current can quickly cause havoc on a boat with an extended bow. Knowing you have the power to counter these effects will save time, worry, and potentially money if things were to go bad!

5. Sound System

Speakers, subs, satellite radio, etc…the list goes on for how you can upgrade your boat’s sound system. Be sure to purchase marine-specific equipment which is water-resistant and UV resistant.

For additional information, contact Off the Hook Yachts.

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