Boating on a Budget

Have you recently been searching for a boat, but are nervous about the cost of boating? Then you have come to the right place! Boating is relatively expensive, and budgeting is instrumental in maintaining a healthy relationship with your wallet, wife, and family. Whether you are venturing into the boating world, or you’re currently a boat owner that wants to save some cash, here are a few tips on how to save money while boating.

Towing More Often

Depending on where you live and how far the body of water is, marina storage and boat slips may not be your best option. Considering fuel is consumed faster on the water, you can save both money and time by using your towing vehicle, instead of your boat, to arrive at the destination. BoatUS has an excellent ramp locator tool that is free and easy to use for boat owners seeking the most cost-efficient ramp.

Anchors Out

Most boating enthusiasts enjoy any opportunity to spend time on the water. Therefore, deciding to drop the rods and water sports for a day is beneficial for your wallet. Substituting cruising around for anchoring out with friends is equally as enjoyable, and, in the long run, can save you money!

Timing With the Tides

With just a bit more preparation, boaters can receive a boost from Mother Nature. Checking your city’s tidal chart before a trip on the water allows for more time on the water and is extremely fuel-efficient.

Group Excursions

Spending time alone on the water is peaceful, but having friends that enjoy the boating lifestyle can potentially save you hundreds of dollars. By alternating the gas payments and switching boats every other trip, there will be a noticeable difference in your boating budget each year.

These are only a few tips that can make your boating experience more satisfying. For more information on fuel-efficiency, financing, watch the attached video! If you have any additional comments, or tips of your own, please leave them below! For further information, please contact Off the Hook.

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