Boating in Severe Weather

The summer months bring on warm weather and severe thunderstorms. You can’t have those sunny days without a slight chance of rain, especially in the south where humidity is always lingering. The desire to take your boat out on the water isn’t any less just because the weather calls for rain. Knowing what to do if you get caught in a storm on the water is important and should be basic boater knowledge. We have some quick tips on how to boat in severe weather. 

Occasionally, when the forecast calls for sunshine and a high of 75, but as soon as you get on the water the rain comes pouring down. Depending on how bad the conditions are at the beginning of the storm can dictate whether you should find a dock fast or sit tight till the rain ceases. If you find yourself situated in the middle of severe thunderstorms follow these tips to maintain the safety of your passengers and you. 


– Slow down the speed of your vessel, be sure to keep enough power to maintain steering and visibility. As the rain clouds move in you will begin to lose visibility fast and need to be on high alert of your surroundings. 

– Make sure all passengers are wearing lifejackets. If the conditions on the water start to become rough the lifejackets will prevent drowning if someone were to fall off the vessel. 

Be sure all storage on the boat is latched down and electronic devices are kept away in a sealed-off container. You do not want any of these units opening up allowing water to fill up the boat more rapidly. 

If water is filling up the boat rapidly if you are not able to dock soon enough, be prepared to remove the water by bailing it out.

Disconnect all electrical components of the boat to avoid the chance of being electrocuted. 

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