Boat Show Tips

The Fall 2019 boat show season is just around the corner. Off the Hook Yacht Sales will be participating in many this year including the Annapolis Boat Show, Ft. Lauderdale Boat Show, and the Newport Boat Show, just to name a few. We will be displaying many Nor-Tech Hi-Performance boats, Cobia Boats, and brokered boats depending on the boat show we have signed up for. Many boat lovers attend these boat shows to purchase or just browse for a new boat. We have made a list of boat show tips for making the most of the shows!

Boat Show Tips 2019

1. Dress Appropriately

There are many things to consider when dressing for a boat show. First is the amount of walking you will be doing. It is common to walk miles while at a boat show; so a pair of comfortable shoes would arguably be the most important. Not only is the comfort important, but the ability to get them on and off easily is also important as many exhibitors ask that you remove your shoes before stepping onto their boats. Secondly, if at an outdoor show sun protection. This means a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, or any other precautions you personally like to take when you know you will be exposed to large amounts of sunlight.

2. Know how you will be getting to the show as well as entering

Because many of these boat shows are hosted in places with large populations, that means parking can be difficult. By doing your homework you can figure out where shuttles run from that will take you to the show from an external parking location. On top of getting to the show, also consider pre-purchasing your tickets online as the lines at these big shows can become very congested during busy times.

3. Have a plan for visiting vendors

Many boat shows are divided by category meaning that if you are interested in center console fishing boats or bowriders or another popular categories of boats it will be a little easier to navigate what you really want to see there. Regardless, it is a good idea to look at the floor map so that you can put together a plan to visit vendors in close proximity to one another on different days in order to compare shops very easily.

Boat Show Tips 2019

4. Have pictures for questions about a product

For those of you looking for vendors who sell aftermarket products such as electronics, outriggers, isinglass, or other accessories- take pictures and measurements to explain your needs. By offering this extra information the vendor is able to offer much more information about how they are able to fulfill your needs.

Boat Show Tips 2019

5. Getting the best deal

You will undoubtedly see signs advertising a special price only available for the show, however, if you present yourself as a serious buyer, the dealers are more than likely going to keep this offer on the table for boats, whereas electronics and accessories may really be “show only” deals. Also likely to be offered are “packages” where the dealer will entice you with additional electronics, accessories, or warranty; which yet again will still be on the table for a serious buyer who makes themselves known as a potential buyer.

6. Timing your visits

By properly timing your visits, at the beginning of the show as well as at the end, you let the vendors know that they are serious, plus they are especially motivated to close deals at the end of the show. By timing your visits like this you give yourself time to shop around and decide upon what you like- while making your face familiar and getting down to brass tacks at the end of the show.

Lastly and certainly not least…

7. Know your needs and your budget, and any wiggle room in either

The two worst things that you can do at a boat show are:

Buy a boat you don’t absolutely love

Pay more for a boat than you can afford

Clearly, these are major mistakes, but a surprising amount of people make them each year. It’s good to know these boat show tips before attending. In order to combat this, you can come up with concrete numbers and needs and then stick to them. This may require patience to find the boat you really want and can afford, but it will be worthwhile to wait until you finally find the perfect boat. Visit our website today to check out our latest inventory here.

Off the Hook Yacht Sales has a proven process for both dealers and private sellers to liquidate their used boats and trades immediately! We have been the industry leader in marine wholesale since 2012. If you are looking for a fast, fair, and competitive number on your boat please click here! 

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