2019 Beach Haven Striper Invitational

This Memorial Day weekend, our Off The Hook New Jersey crew will be partaking in Beach Haven Marlin & Tuna Clubs 15th Annual LBI Cup! This is a Contest for Heaviest Striped Bass. Lead by Dennis Gunn, Off The Hook will be trolling in our 2016 Edgewater 335 Express as this is the perfect fishing boat to win a tournament in! 1st Prize for Heaviest Fish can win a total of $1,500, 2nd place receives $1,000 and third place receives $500! Aside from the winnings of the tournament, you could also win two Off The Hook T-Shirts! Our boat will be flying a white Off The Hook Yacht Sales flag if you see our boat snap a photo and post it on Instagram with the hashtag #IMOFFTHEHOOK for a chance to win!

The Rules:

1. All vessels registered in the Tournament, and all participants, are consenting to hold harmless the Beach Haven Marlin & Tuna Club (hereinafter, the Club) and it’s members and affiliates from any and all liability. The decision to leave dock and fish is solely the responsibility of the Captain and crew.

2. Registration is by vessel, not by angler.

3. All vessels must have a Representative attend the Captains Meeting Scheduled for 7PM Friday May 24th 2019 If any rule changes are made at the Captain’s meeting it is the sole responsibility of the Vessel to have a Representative in attendance to make note of such change. Do not expect the Tournament Directors to contact you.

4. Fishing hours are between 9:00pm Friday May 24, 2019 and 3:00pm Saturday May 25th 2019 (Eastern Daylight Time, as measured by GPS). No lines of any kind are permitted in the water until the 9:00pm starting time. Fishing ends at 3PM, unless vessel is hooked up prior to 3PM. It is advised that if any vessel is fighting a fish approaching 3PM that they try to raise another other boat in Tournament on cell phone or preferably VHF. All boats will be given a Ribbon to attach to boat in visible location. Please make certain flag is displayed as high as possible.

5. All IGFA rules for fishing and tackle will apply with the exception of wire line, snag hooks, umbrella rigs and mojo rigs (which are permitted).

6. This is a Contest for the top 3 single heaviest Striper Prizes. Boats may are only eligible for one Tournament Prize per boat. (Calcutta monies are unrestricted) If there is a tie for 1st place in the cash category, the tie splits 1st and 2nd place money. If there is a tie for 2nd place in the cash category, the tie splits the 2nd and 3rd place money. If there is a tie for third place in the cash category, the tie splits 3rd place money.

7.Each boat can weigh in only 3 fish. Boats are welcome to use other club scales for estimation purposes but for the LBI Cup purposes Weigh masters will only accept 3 fish per boat to be weighed in. The only weight that officially counts is the 1 weight as determined by the Weigh Master.

8.. The captain and crew of a boat with mechanical problems may be allowed to transfer boats to new vessel and fish under the name of the originally registered boat, if expressly permitted to do so by the Tournament Directors. Any such transfers must include all anglers/contestants from vessel. No splitting of crews in event transfer necessary due to mechanical issues. The Tournament Committee must approve ALL such transfers before they occur.

9. If a boat breaks down and needs assistance, any other vessel can help stranded vessel, such as by offering tools, mechanical help, or towing. No fish can be transferred in between vessels. Any such transfers would disqualify both Vessels.

10. Unsportsmanlike behavior or misconduct or any anything deemed inappropriate by the Tournament Directors will be grounds for disqualification.

11. If there are any protests they must be registered with Tournament Directors by 6PM. Directors will have sole discretion to settle any protests or rules violations. Their decisions are final and not subject to further review.

12. All fish eligible for cash prizes may be subject to examination by Tournament judges and/or consulting biologists should there be any question about the freshness of the catch. It is the responsibility of the participant to keep all eligible catches in suitable and proper condition until weigh-in. All fish weighed in will be retained for the fish fry.

13. Northern Boundary is Manasquan Inlet and Southern Boundary is Absecon Inlet. Additionally Boats are not permitted over the 3 mile line as displayed by GPS’s. Going over the 3 mile line or outside of boundaries is not permitted and will result in disqualification.

14. All Fish must be caught and landed by boat registered in contest.

15. All Federal and State Fish laws must be followed.

16. Four (4) anglers per boat with entrance fee. Additional anglers $ 50 per person. Maximum 6 anglers per boat.

17. Any additional person(s) onboard ( Captain, Observers, etc ) must register at $50 per person….No free riding, all persons on fishing vessel must be registered. Failure to register anyone on vessel will result in boat being Disqualified.

18. Weigh-in time at BHMTC is 3:00 to 5:00 pm, Saturday May 25-2019. Weigh in Time in BL is from 4-5PM at Viking Village outer dock. Final weigh-in is 5:00 pm May 25-2019. If you are at dock by 5PM you have made the cut off. NO ALIBIS OR EXCUSES.

19. All fish must be weigh-in by boat on which fish caught or by car.

20. Prize money will be paid to the boat.

21. Awards will be presented after 8:00 pm on Saturday May 25-2019



$200 per boat for all applicants through May 21, 2019. $250 per boat for all applicants after May 21, 2019. All entries must be in by 9 PM sharp, May 24th at the Captain’s meeting, which will be held at the BHM&TC clubhouse (next to Morrison’s Marina at the end of Pennsylvania Avenue). Please fill out downloadable application or register online below and bring it to the Captain’s Meeting along with your registration fee! Click Here to enter. Good Luck!(Photo courtesy www.lbicup.com)

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